Tuesday, February 07, 2006


AAAAAAAAAAACk! haha This term is proving to be super busy. My chemistry class is incredibly hard... got a 89% on my first midterm. :(( The A doesnt start until 94%. Ah well, the teacher throws out your midterm scores if you do really really well on the final. YES!!! So the pressure is on! hehe

Had an awesome sabbath this last week. I went to Roseburg where there was a Pathfinders jamboree dealio. Tony was there with a bunch of kids from his church, and Melissa and her daughter, Laura were there too. It was sooo much fun! There was tons and tons of awesome food, and then we took a walk in the afternoon which was really cool. It had been raining, but cleared up all nice for our walk. We went to this park and the kids had a lot of fun pushing this huge water scrapers around on the tennis court. They had fun with that until they broke one of them... whoopsie! lol Then we went back, and they had haystacks, and then the durby car race. I couldnt stay for the actual race, but saw the race track, and got to see a lot of the durby cars. Tony's was an alligator, and Laura's was a puppy dog... there was also some edible cars! One was made entirely out of carrots... even the wheels! (And it rolled too!) One was made out of a cake.. that was cool.. it didnt actually roll though...hehe I had such an awesome time i was sad to come back home! I wish i could have stayed overnight in the camp out in the gym! hehe Pathfinders is really cool!

Sharon has rented her own apartment. It is one of the quads at the UofO. It is pretty nice... right next door to Happi, so he will keep the bathrooms and kitchen nice and clean for her. She has had a lot of fun packing up her stuff. I am going to help her move a bit this afternoon before my chemistry class, and then i will probably go over there after my chemistry class as well. It is in a quiet location, but right next to the fraternity at UofO. :-s. She is really excited about moving though, so i am trying to be happy for her, though i will miss her terribly.

Tony and i still managed to get a lot of yacking/ emailing time in, even though my classmates have no idea how on earth i am fitting so much into my schedule. It is called gooood time management! ;) He is a really nice guy, and i am blessed to know him. ;)

Grandma has been getting progressivly harder to care for these days, and giving her showers is becoming a more and more challenging job. My poor mom is a saint staying home all day to take care of her. I am rarely home this term with all my night classes and all. Not totally sure how long we are going to be able to keep this up this time...especially with my going to Texas this summer.

Found out i am going to need to get both an Oregon and Texas RN license today... that is almost a $1000 !!! I was like: "what??!!! $%*@ ! lol

Ok, i better quit yacking here, and get back to finishing up an email to a certain someone, and hit da books again.