Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter all!

I had a great Easter Sabbath at Tony's church. We went to the gateway church first to hear the Easter Cantata that he sang in, perform at that church. It is sooo pretty! They used a book written by David Clydesdale, and since i love his work, I was just wow'd by the whole thing. :P After that, we ate and then went to the snow! It was a blast! Tony, little Mike, Shon, and Travis went with us. We had a great snowball fight, complete with wrestling, climbing up in the woods to rain snowballs on the people below, and eating snow fests! We packed scooby on the front of Tony's van with snow, and called it a day. It was so much fun. The evening Easter Cantata was even more beautiful than the one at the Gateway Church because they have a better sound system there. It was awesome. Of course, Tony did great, not that i am biased or anything. ;)

It was a great day, and it was so much fun to see Tony again. Too bad he lives so far away.. hehe

On a side note, i got my financial aide award letter from Southern last night and my grants and scholarhips come up to $10,500!!!!!!!! I was so excited! Whooooooooopie! I also have over $10,000 loans available to me as well, so that is cool.

So, it was a great day :)

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