Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Done with midterms! YES!

I am all done with midterms--what a relief! This was one of the most intense weeks I have ever had. I wasnt sure I would survive last night. I think I was close to the most panicked I have ever been preparing for tests before. But God is so good to me. I had been studying alone all day but a friend came walking by in the library around 10:30pm and I was talking with the person and they were expressing similar feelings. We just knelt down on the floor in the library, and gave all the stress and worry to God and just left everything in His hands. God is so faithful to His word, for He gave us both the peace that passes all understanding and He also gave me a clear mind to keep studying most of the night. It was an awesome experience.

I am so glad that God is faithful to His promises and is always with us. That thought has been such an encouragment to me this week. One of the reasons this week has been exceptionally hard is that a number of major negative factors/circumstances/happenings have occurred, and the devil has really jumped on the chance to get me discouraged. A few nights ago, I went walking down by the duck pond and just sat down there for the longest time thinking about everything that has been going on. Since it was late at night, I could just sit down there and talk to God out loud (a rare occurance these days!) and I was much encouraged that God is still with me and in control of my life.

I feel so unprepared to preach my own evangelistic series this summer. A lot of people I know are going have their whole church praying for them and family's and their friends supporting them. I have yet to have one person say they will pray for me, or give me words of encouragment. But I feel that this is where God has called me, and I am going to answer God's call. God promised Jeremiah to put His words in [Jeremiah's] mouth, and I have asked God to do the same for me. I trust God to keep His promises.

I am going home for Spring break. I am hoping to go snowboarding. Mt. Ashland has 10 1/2 feet of snow at the top of the mountain right now. They got 68 inches of snow last week! I am hoping it will stop snowing long enough for I-5 to get cleared off so I can drive down there.
One of the main reasons I am going home is to see baby Shalyn. Sharon told me she is planning on going to Mt. Hood area for both weekends I am home and so I am not sure if i will get to see baby that much after all. It will be good to be home though, and eat good food, and SLEEP! hehe
I am going to bed.

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